Monday, September 12, 2016

water color pose #2

This is a 5 min figure pose. I used water colors to try and bring out and exaggerate the colors of the skin.

water color pose

This was a 5 min pose I did at pre college this summer. I used water color to enhance the colors of the skin and the light.

reinterpretation of Georgia O'keeffes painting

I took Georgia O'keeffe's piece "slightly opened shell" and redid it in my one way. I did it in a geometrically.


This was one piece out of 2 others I did of the same girl holding other objects. For these pieces I wanted to take objects that are sexualized and have a half naked girl holding them. So thats what I did.


This was the second painting out of the three. In this one she's holding a popsicle.

45 min figure painting

This was my first ever figure painting. I did it at a pre art college painting class. it was a 45 minute pose.

clothed model

This was one of the last figure painting i did. It was a 45 minute pose with a clothed model.

10 min, ink

This was a 5 minute gesture drawing I did in my Pre art college drawing class.

5 min poses

These were five minuet poses painted all put on one canvas.

self portrait

This was a charcoal piece i did. We had to do a self portrait in disguise so I took a picture of my self under a blanket.
